My the time flies when you are having fun! I can't believe I have not posted anything since November of 2011. Well, here are some recent events that just called for pictures.
Monday nights have become Pretty Little Liar nights for the girls and I. We head over to the Lindahl house (since we do not have cable) and are treated to some delicious baked goods by Ellinor herself. It has become something that we look forward to plus it is totally a girls night! The cupcake above was lemon with white frosting with a little lemon added to flavor it up. She makes all of it from scratch....blows me away! I'm lucky if I get dinner on the table. :)
The above was made by my loving hubby Kirk. It was quick and easy and looks so good. Tilapia wrapped around asparagus and served with brown rice. Very yummy and healthy! I also must mention the plate, I absolutely love the rectangular shape.